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Thursday, March 31, 2022

South Africa: Urgent Alert! State Of Disaster To End. Restrictions Persist Indefinitely!

 An urgent alert has been raised by the Family Policy Institute. The alert follows below:


While tens of thousands of citizens vehemently oppose government plans to make permanent the extraordinary “State of Disaster” regulations, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma announced on 29 March 2022 plans to end the current “State of Disaster,” potentially by 5 April - but extend regulations for 30 days.

Please note: The "Health Act Amendment" was published in the Government Gazette on 14 March by the Minister of Health. Deadline for comments (30 days) is therefore 15 April 2022.

The "Disaster Management Amendment" was published in the Government Gazette on 29 March by COGTA Minister, Dlamini-Zuma. Deadline for comments (48 hours) is 1 April 2022.
Technically, ending the “State of Disaster” while maintaining illogical restrictive Covid-19 regulations for 30 days is unlawful. Government invites the public to comment on this new development within 48 hours. The quickest way to comment is by accessing this form.

What Dlamini-Zuma is attempting is to continue weilding exotraordinary (sic) "State of Disaster" powers granted by the 'Disaster Managment (sic) Act' even after the "State of Disaster" ends.   
I opposed all transitional regulations because no “State of Disaster” currently exists in SA. Government must end the “State of Disaster” including all related regulations and protocols.
No government must be granted permanent authority to control access and oversight of Churches in South Africa. This is a grave and unprecedented threat to religious freedoms.  
Many were confused by Dlamini-Zuma's recent announcement, mistakenly believing she reduced the time for comments on the “Amendment on the National Health Act” to 48 hours.

This precipitated a massive run on the sapublicspeaks platform - overwhelming the site. Thankfully, the tech experts are busy resolving the problem and will have it up soon.
If you cannot access the SAPublicSpeaks site, please comment on the dearsouthafrica.co.za/health-act-amendment site or email your submission directly to Ms Tsakani Furumele at tsakani.furumele@health.gov.za The deadline remains 15 April 

Veteran journalist, Brian Pottinger investigated government’s fear-driven and illogical Covid-19 campaign and makes several startling observations about the ANC regime's tactics and methodology in his well-researched article “SA’s Covid-19 response just got weirder.” 
The most alarming revelation is that government quietly “branded SARSCoV2 a ‘Group 3 Hazardous Biological Agent’, which widens the scope of employers to enforce vaccine mandates.” It appears, the ANC regime is advancing big pharma’s vaccine agenda.
Despite credible studies proving much of the hysteria that accompanied the pandemic by corrupt politicians, “medical experts” and a complicit media were false, the ANC regime is still pushing the now debunked PCR tests, mandatory vaccinations and mask wearing.
Pottinger writes, “Yet, incredibly and despite this long litany of bad science and worse faith during the SARSCoV2 outbreak, the memo seems not to have reached President Ramaphosa. His authoritarian new regulations now seek to hardwire arbitrary and dictatorial powers into the future life of the country on the back of a comprehensively and maliciously misrepresented viral outbreak. Why?”
The answer may lie in the ANC regime’s natural inclination to use every opportunity – even a national health crisis – for self-enrichment. Who can forget the ANC looting frenzy triggered by the the (sic) allocation of more than R500 billion to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.
Pottinger suggests SA may become a dumping ground for obsolete vaccines, which may explain governments (sic) absurd vaccine push despite growing questions about its efficacy.

Apparently, 800,000 Pfizer vaccines will reportedly expire at the end of March 2022.
The proposed “Amendment to the National Health Act” is the most dangerous development in our democratic history because it grants an irredeemably corrupt and grossly incompetent government extraordinary powers to control and manipulate the public as it sees fit.  
“State of Disaster” restrictions must end immediately because no state of disaster currently exists in SA.

 The Dept of Health must update the public regularly with credible Covid-19 developments. However, citizens must be trusted to make their own health decisions.


Monday, August 17, 2020

The South African Film & Publication Act regulations are up for public comment until 17 August 2020 (today)


[The following comments were received from the ChristianView Network]

AUGUST 2020 (today)

The Film and Publications Act Regulations, which may affect broadcasting and internet free speech rights.  Part of the motivation of the Regulations we support, namely to reduce child pornography, revenge porn and the risk children are exposed to pornography on the internet.  Preliminary comment is that the regulations attempt to regulate entire internet in a manner which appears to require anything published on the internet to first be rated by the Film and Publications Board (FPB)(unless it falls under the Advertising Standards Authority or the Press Council) or the company is registered with the FPB to do self-regulation.  Either the internet will have to shut down or it won't be enforced most of the time.  The broad hate speech definition copied from the Act is in conflict with the Supreme Court of Appeal Constitutional findings on the Qwelane case.  We are still studying the regulations and have asked for an extension of time and clarification on its meaning.


Please email the Minister of Communications Ms Stella Tembisa Ndabeni-Abrahams ministry@dtps.gov.za to ask for an extension of time for yourself and/or a general extension.

To send your comment on the regulations email clientsupport@fpb.org.za.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Mugabe the villain
Mugabe the Villian!

I received a newsletter that is "usually" written by Peter Hammond. In this article he writes about Robert Mugabe, former President of Zimbabwe. What do you think about the article? If you would like to respond to the article, you can write to Peter Hammond at mission@frontline.org.za.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Speak up against sexualisation of school children

Philip Rosenthal from the ChristianView Network, has released the following newsletter concerning the sexualization of children in South African schools. Elijah Mhlanga, the spokesman of South Africa's national Department of Basic Education, tweeted that reading must be made sexy. I hope this is not an indication of the type of people that are in charge of our country's education.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019


Action Alert from FORSA:
The call for comments on the revised draft of the PREVENTION AND COMBATING OF HATE CRIMES AND HATE SPEECH BILL (“the Bill”) is now open until 15 February 2019 (final date extended from 31 January to 15 February 2019).

Religious Freedom at Risk 
Most notably, clause 4(1) of the Bill makes “hate speech” a crime – with potentially dire repercussions from a freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of conscience point of view. The offence will make any speech (as well as the distribution of such speech) that could be construed to be “harmful” on a wide range of subjective grounds, a criminal act carrying a jail sentence of up to three (3) years.

Religious Exemption Clause is only Valid For “Pulpits” 
While we are encouraged by the inclusion of a “religious exemption clause” (in clause 4(2)(d)) in the Bill – as advocated for by FOR SA, and the many religious organisations and groups who previously made submissions on the Bill – concerns regarding criminalisation of free speech remain. Especially as the Deputy Minister of Justice noted that the religious exemption clause would only apply to “pulpits”.

Even if you have previously made a submission on the Bill (to the Deputy Minister of Justice), please do make a submission again (this time, to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice). Written submissions must be received by 15 February 2019, and can be emailed to the Committee Secretary, Mr Vhonani Ramaano (vramaano@parliament.gov.za).

Please use the TEMPLATE SUBMISSION FORSA have prepared to assist you in commenting / objecting to the provisions of the Bill which will significantly and negatively impact on freedom of (religious) expression. Sunday School teachers, worship leaders, Bible Study groups and social media commentators are all threatened by this bill.

Redefining Hate Speech
The Bill's extremely broad definition of hate speech under section 4 of the Bill includes in its scope any communication which is considered "abusive or insulting" and intended to "bring into contempt or ridicule" a person, or group of persons, on the basis of their gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. This includes email, or social media communications as well as teachings from a pulpit, or in a Bible study. Instead of an objective definition of what constitutes "hate speech" (for example those who sing "Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!" or those advocating Islamic Jihad to behead Christians), this bill seeks to focus on subjective definitions of where an individual may feel offended, even if that was not the intention. Yet, blasphemy and pornography are considered free speech! However, free speech is to be criminalised by this bill!

 "He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord." Proverbs 17:15

See also:
Ten Principles for True Freedom
Religious Freedoms at Risk in South Africa
Rise of the GayGB and the Pink Inquisition
Through the Looking Glass - An Insight into the Racist Agenda
Promoting Racism and Intolerance in the Name of Confronting Racism
The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx
Racism - Rhetoric and Reality
Do Not Take God’s Name in Vain
Africa Christian Action PO Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689 4481 E-mail: info@christianaction.org.za Web: www.christianaction.org.za/ Join us on Facebook and Twitter

Thursday, November 08, 2018


“…who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…” 1 Chronicles 12:32

You are invited to a Understanding the Present Crisis in South Africa Seminar on Saturday, 17 November, hosted by Petra Family Church in Randburg, Gauteng. The Seminar is free.

Friday, October 26, 2018

South African Parliamentarians walk out as 'Hate speech' definition rammed without deliberation through NCOP

I received the following from the ChristianView Network newsletter distribution. It is clear, and something that I've been saying all along, that the ANC and all its cronies, serve democracy only as long as it is beneficial to themselves. They will break with protocol to force laws through the process. They have defined hate speech so broad, our opinions may one day land us in jail.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Proposed 'Hate Speech' Bill Would Destroy Free Speech In South Africa

I received the following newsletter from the ChristianView Network this past Monday (16 April). It is of great importance in view of massive free speech limitations that may be set in South Africa.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

"This is madness" - but is it God?

I received the following in a newsletter.

Friday, September 08, 2017

New British-Funded Programme to Promote Abortion at Community Clinics in South Africa

The following is from a newsletter I received today. Please read and send the link to this post to others. We have to be aware of entities that promote death squads in our hospitals and medical facilities. If abortion is a choice, it is a choice to murder innocent lives.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Breaking news: Supreme Court of Appeal says Fabricius was wrong on Euthanasia

Last year, South Africa's High Court determined that a terminally ill patient may, with the help of a doctor, kill himself (self-murder)

The following newsletter came from Philip Rosenthal of the Christian View Network, who is also coordinator of Euthanasia Exposed.

BREAKING NEWS: Today, 6 December 2016 the Supreme Court of Appeal said that Judge Fabricius was wrong in his 2015 judgement authorising Robert Stransham-Ford to have assisted sucide/euthanasia.

The court confirmed this is really a matter for elected parliament and not judges to decide.  The decision was made in haste and did not properly consider South African law, the international context, our social values or the impact on the right to life.  The medical information provided to the court was flawed and contradicted the real medical records, which were withheld until a court order was issued.  The case was manipulated by the euthanasia lobby group, its lawyers and the estate, and the medical records indicate Stransham-Ford was actually asking if he could back out of euthanasia/assisted suicide.

The court judgment used many of the same reasons which we wrote in our article 'Why judge Fabricius was wrong':

* The separation of powers requires that parliament as representatives of the country as a whole should decide any changes on the law rather than requiring judges to decide.
* The applicant died before the ruling was given.  Circumstantial evidence seems to indicate this information may have been deliberately withheld from the court.
* Judge Fabricius ruling was decided in haste (one day) on a matter of national importance, an urgency apparently manufactured on an individual case by the lobby group Dignity SA.
* The applicants attorneys had refused to provide the opposing friend of the court legal teams with information they needed to respond.
* The South African situation is different to the juristictions where euthanasia is legal, which argues against foreign cases being used as precedent.  We have different social values, a different socio-economic and
policing situation.
* The applicants affidavit was factually and medically doubtful on many points.
* The organisation Dignity SA was publicly raising funds to pay for the court case, but the application insisted it was just on behalf of the individual.
* The hasty Fabricius judgment did not properly consider South African law or international precedent cases.
* Judge Fabricus was wrong to assume that the common law on murder needed to change to accommodate assisted suicide and euthanasia.
* The court needs to consider whether its decision would undermine the foundational value of the right to life or be supportive of it.

Further reasons emerged from the judgment, which we were not aware of:
* The picture of Mr Stransham-Ford's final illness as depicted in the legal affidavits bore little resemblence to reality as found in his medical records.
* The psychologist who declared the applicant Robert Stransham-Ford to be psychologically fit and his desire to apply for suicide, did not provide reasoning on how the conclusion was reached and previously lived in the same
street as him, which raises questions of independence.
* The applicants doctors medical records indicate he was wavering in his desire for suicide/euthanasia and asked his doctor if he could change his mind and that his real medical situation was very different to that described in the affidavits.  The estate of Stransham-Ford had refused to release these medical records until a court order was issued for them. [Our comment on this is that it is very normal for people to waver in their desire for suicide, but suicide is irreversible, and this is a strong argument against legalising suicide.]

The Centre for Applied Legal Studies, at Wits submitted argument to the court that euthanasia and assisted suicide were working well overseas.  The Health Professions Council of the State and the State submitted detailed evidence rebutting these claims and giving evidence of numerous abuses and problems overseas.  The court provisionally accepted this evidence but after reviewing it, decided that it was too complex and detailed to sift through or decide on.  Possibly the same rebutting evidence may be used again in future on another case.

One point in the judgement which we at Euthanasia Exposed are not happy about is a single sentence in the conclusion that can be interpreted to open the possibility of the court considering another case to legalise
euthanasia/assisted suicide - something that logically conflicts with all its other arguments especially that the decision is really an issue for parliament and not judges.  If another case comes, then the battle will continue.  The euthanasia lobby have no chance success in the government or parliament, having been defeated before.  With the body of evidence collected against euthanasia, ready for any future case, their chances of
success are reduced.

Philip Rosenthal
Euthanasia Exposed
Media queries: 082 6768966


Euthanasia Exposed
Fax:       +27(0)866164452
Mobile:  +2782 6768966
Email:      mail@EuthanasiaExposed.co.za
Mail:   Postnet 114, P/Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa


Friday, July 10, 2015

Journalistic Fraud

Title: JOURNALISTIC FRAUD: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted
Author: Bob Kohn
Publisher: WND BOOKS, Nashville, TN
Year: 2003
ISBN: 9-780-78-526104-9

I have recently finished reading Journalistic Fraud (JF), and while I knew that many, if not most, newspapers slant their news to favour a liberal agenda, I did not know that by 2003 it was as bad as Kohn has clearly shown.

One commenter on Amazon simply wrote, “Conservative Propaganda.” Of course, our liberal friend did not interact with the content of the book at all. The fact is, Kohn gives so much evidence contrary to this liberal’s chant, that it is really hard to come to any other conclusion, that The New York Times, in fact has taken a hard left and in terms of honest news reporting, has become obsolete.

The problem, however, is that so many people still trust The New York Times, and at the time of writing, articles that were to appear in the paper the next day were “transmitted electronically to over 650 newspapers that subscribe to the New York Times News Service; these articles and features then appear in the pages of local newspapers alongside articles written by reporters for those local papers. The Times itself owns over 15 other regional newspapers, including the Boston Globe, all of which echo the articles and commentary appearing in the The New York Times.” (p34) This means that The New York Times has a clout far bigger than its actual usefulness.

Kohn provides a host of examples that show without a doubt, that The New York Times purposefully sets out to paint the Republicans and conservatives as the big bad wolf and Democrats and liberals as the saviours of mankind.

IMHO, this book is a must read to those people that are enslaved to the opinions of newspapers.

Yet, do not think that television news is any better, because what you see isn’t really what you are getting. Here is an example as explained and portrayed by Francis Schaeffer, how that different angles of the camera can manipulate the “news” that you see.

In order to keep track of the media and their slants, you can visit the Media Research Center.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

South African education on the downgrade

Minister_of_Basic_Education_Angie_MotshekgaWith South African education as impossibly poor as it is, it seems that the ANC has found further measures to make it even worse! And with these measures, they will flood the job market with more people with absolutely no skills!

With our education as bad as it is, and our matric (Grade 12) pass rate as pitiful as it is, you would be forgiven for thinking that our education “authorities” would think of ways of making education stronger in this country!

However, Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, and her band of, dare I say “clowns”, think that it is better to simply let kids that are 15 leave school, thinking that this would address the country’s skills shortages. Leaving school after grade 9 would endow the child with a General Education and Training Certificate (GETC). The next step is for these kids to study at a Technical Vocational Education and Training College (TVETC). I probably don’t have to mention this, but I will anyhow. The GETC will only work if the TVETC is compulsory. Without it being compulsory, all that the ANC would be doing is to load our streets with more unemployed and homeless people, and this country has enough of that already!

The fact that there are educationists that are in favour of the GETC simply boggles the mind. In their educated minds, all that is necessary to win the confidence of prospective employers is that these grade 9 kids should write a credible exam! And then what? Employers will fall over their own feet to employ 15/16 year-olds who have written a credible grade 9 exam? That is absolutely foolish! Employers don’t think that our matric (Grade 12) exams are credible, yet these educated people think that a grade 9 exam will be credible; an exam that makes kids marketable in the job market?

We used to have technical colleges years ago, but these were closed down. Then Technicons came onto the scene, that provided diplomas in a more technical direction. Next thing, these technicons were all converted to universities to be more academic and inline with universities. And now they want to go back to TVETCs.

When will these people realize that their policies never amount to anything and that is why every five years or so, a new curriculum must be devised to replace the previous one, and so the downgrade continues!

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Republicans win senate, but this is not the time to gloat

In an article by the lovely Katie Pavlich, she quotes RNC chairman Reince Priebus as saying that winning the U.S. senate shows that the "American people have put their trust in the Republican Party."

While on the surface that may seem to be the case, I wonder if it isn't rather a case of the American people being sick of the way Democrats have run the U.S. into the ground! Perhaps, in their minds, anything is better than the Dems right now.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Big government and jobs for the youth


Image courtesy Africartoons

The University of Cape Town (UCT) recently did some research for the latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) which showed that 67% of South Africa’s youth believe that the government is the best way to earn a good living. Big brother has really done his job admirably to get the youth of the nation to the point of thinking that their chances are best when employed by the government!

The issue with this idea is that government should never be a nation’s primary job supplier. It simply cannot be. It is an entity that produces nothing! Unless, of course, the South African government moves over to a socialistic model, or even worse, communism. That is not very unlikely when it is considered that some of the ministers in government have strong ties to the South African Communist Party (SACP)! When the government becomes the biggest provider of jobs, it will have to raise taxes to be able to provide the salaries for those jobs. Since it produces nothing, raising taxes can only go so far before they will have to move over to a communistic model, meaning that private ownership, private businesses and more will come to an end, and the government will end up owning everything, producing everything and no-one will have the incentive to better themselves.

jobseekerGovernment’s job is to govern, and to ensure that services are supplied that make running homes and businesses most effectively. Government must come up with policies that make it easy for businesses to grow and become job suppliers. When a government’s policies restrict businesses to become primary job suppliers and entrepreneurs to be successful, then it is failing in one of its primary purposes.

Big government is not a good idea, since a nanny state is not interested in the welfare of its people, but in how those people could be kept in line.

The kicker of the research done by UCT is the fact that 61% of the youth that were surveyed thought that starting your own business means that you have to work too hard to be successful. This already tells me that the youth are clearly in the pockets of this government even at this age. The government has already created a culture of hand-outs, and when a government starts giving something to people, to take it away later becomes almost impossible. Of course, the youth now expect the government hand-out policy to continue when it comes to jobs. Do they even realize that you don’t simply walk into a government office and get handed a well-paying job?

With this attitude in the minds of the youth, we have to turn to our education and wonder what they teach the kids in the state high schools. We already know that the quality of South Africa’s maths and science education is so bad that it places last out of 148 countries. That puts us behind countries like Haiti, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, etc. It is seriously not a stretch of the imagination to think that we do not do much better in other areas of our education.

With an education of this pathetic level. no wonder our youth think that the government is the best option as a provider of jobs.

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